Things to Do When a Pipe Bursts in Your Home

The convenience of modern plumbing is a luxury many of us take for granted until a burst pipe disrupts our daily lives. Burst pipes can wreak huge havoc on your home, potentially leading to costly repairs. 

Understanding the causes of burst pipes is crucial for preventing such incidents. Below, we will discuss all about safeguarding your home from this plumbing nightmare.

Causes of Burst Pipes in Homes

We all love the convenience of running water until a burst pipe throws a soggy wrench into our plans. Wondering why pipes burst? Below, we have discussed all about that.

Freezing Temperatures

One of the primary reasons for burst pipes, especially in colder regions, is freezing temperatures. When water freezes, it expands and exerts immense pressure on the pipes. This pressure can lead to cracks or complete ruptures in the pipe structure. 

To prevent this, it's essential to insulate exposed pipes. Pay special attention to those located in unheated areas like attics, basements, or crawl spaces.

Ageing Pipes

As time passes, the wear and tear on your home's plumbing system becomes inevitable. Ageing pipes, particularly those made from materials like galvanised steel or polybutylene, are more susceptible to corrosion and deterioration. 

Eventually, this can weaken the pipe walls, making them prone to bursting. Regular inspections and timely replacement of ageing pipes can help avoid catastrophic leaks.

Water Pressure Fluctuations

Excessive water pressure is a silent threat to your plumbing system. High water pressure can strain pipes, leading to weakened joints and potential bursts. Conversely, sudden drops in water pressure can also cause stress on the pipes. 

Installing a pressure regulator can help maintain a steady and safe water pressure, reducing the risk of burst pipes.


Corrosion is a common enemy of plumbing systems, particularly in areas with hard water. The buildup of mineral deposits over time can corrode the interior of pipes, compromising their structural integrity. 

Regular maintenance, water softeners, and periodic pipe inspections can mitigate the effects of corrosion and extend the lifespan of your plumbing.

Poor Installation

Improper installation of pipes can be a ticking time bomb. Faulty connections, inadequate support, or the use of subpar materials during installation can lead to vulnerabilities in your plumbing system. 

Hiring a professional plumber for installations and repairs ensures that your pipes are correctly fitted and less prone to sudden failures.

Signs of a Burst Pipe in Your Home 

A burst pipe can cause extensive damage, leading to costly repairs and potential health hazards. Recognising the signs early on is crucial to preventing a plumbing disaster. 

Unexplained Increase in Water Bills

Keep a close eye on your water bills. If you notice a sudden and unexplained increase in your water expenses, it could be an indication of a hidden leak. Conduct regular checks around your home for any visible signs of water damage.

Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings

Water stains on walls or ceilings are telltale signs of water leakage. Brownish or yellowish stains may appear and can indicate a slow but persistent leak.

Don't dismiss these stains as mere minor issues; they could be the result of a burst pipe hidden within your walls.

Damp or Mouldy Smells

The growth of mould and mildew often accompanies water damage. If you detect a musty or damp odour in specific areas of your home, it may be a sign of a hidden water leak. Investigate the source to prevent further damage and potential health issues related to mould exposure.

Low Water Pressure

A sudden drop in water pressure could be indicative of a burst pipe. While low water pressure can have various causes, including sediment buildup in pipes, a burst pipe may result in reduced water flow to certain areas of your home. If you notice this issue, it's essential to investigate promptly.

Strange Sounds in the Pipes

Unusual sounds, such as banging, hissing, or whistling, coming from your plumbing system may be signals of a problem. These noises could be caused by water escaping from a damaged pipe. 

Pay attention to any changes in the usual sounds your plumbing system makes, and seek professional help if anything seems out of the ordinary.

Visible Water Leaks:

Sometimes, the signs of a burst pipe are overt, with water leaking visibly. Check under sinks, around appliances that use water, and in your basement or crawl spaces for any signs of pooling water or dampness. Addressing visible leaks promptly can prevent further damage.

Frozen Pipe 

If your region experiences freezing temperatures, a history of frozen pipes can increase the risk of future bursts. Frozen water expands, putting immense pressure on pipes and increasing the likelihood of them bursting once they thaw. Insulate pipes properly to reduce the risk and monitor for any signs of damage.

Ignoring the signs of a burst pipe can lead to severe consequences, both for your home and your wallet. 

What to Do When Pipes Burst in Your House

Picture this: you're enjoying a peaceful evening at home when suddenly you hear a loud crash and the sound of rushing water. Panic sets in as you discover that a pipe has burst in your house. 

While a burst pipe can be a homeowner's worst nightmare, knowing how to handle the situation effectively can help in minimising damage. Below, we'll guide you through the essential steps to take when you face this plumbing emergency.

Shut Off the Water Supply

The first and most crucial step during a pipe burst is to shut off the entire water supply to your house. Locate the main water valve, which is usually found near the water meter. Turn the valve clockwise in order to stop the flow of water. This will help in preventing further flooding and reduce damage to your property.

Electricity Safety

Water and electricity don't mix well, so it's important that you ensure your safety and the safety of others in the house. If the burst water pipe is located near electrical outlets or appliances, just switch off the electricity at the main breaker panel. If you're unsure or feel unsafe, it's best to wait for professional help.

Identify the Source

After shutting off the water supply and ensuring electrical safety, try to identify the source of the burst. Knowing where the problem originated will help you explain the situation to professionals and might even allow you to temporarily fix the issue with a pipe clamp or plumber's tape.

Drain Excess Water

To prevent further damage to your property, start draining excess water immediately. Use towels and mops to soak up standing water. Also, open windows for ventilation and speed up the drying process. The sooner you remove water, the less risk there is of mould growth and structural damage.

Call a Professional Plumber

While some DIY fixes might be possible for minor pipe bursts, it's crucial to call a professional like Petrelli Plumbing Services to assess the situation and provide a permanent solution. Our professional plumbers at Petrelli Plumbing Services have the expertise as well as tools to repair or replace damaged pipes, ensuring the problem doesn't recur.

Document the Damage:

Before cleaning up or making any repairs, document the damage for insurance purposes. Take photos and videos of the areas affected, damaged belongings, and any other visible sign of the burst pipe. This documentation will help streamline the insurance claims process.

Final Words

Dealing with a burst water pipe can be quite a stressful experience, but taking swift and appropriate action can mitigate the damage and help you get your home back to normal. When faced with a problem like this, don’t worry. At PPS, we offer professional burst pipe repair services, step in as contemporary heroes, swiftly intervening to salvage the situation and reinstate order.


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